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How to Make the Most of Your Travels

When traveling to a new place, the number one thing you can do to get the most out of the experience is to ask yourself, “could I live here?” This single question can change the way your mind frames everything you see during your travels because it forces you to look at the big picture. It pushes you to research the culture and history of the areas you visit, expanding what you take in and see. It changes the way you look at locals, and it forces you to see how the local culture differs from your own, for better or for worse. You leave either grateful for what you have at home and enlightened by what you saw or rejuvenated and longing to share what you learned of that culture and its natural surroundings with others. Either way, traveling under the premise of “could I live here?” will change the way you look at the world.

Mark Twain said “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” I love this quote because it reminds me that there is still hope to change the close-minded views of so many. Ignorance is not bliss, because ignorance is untraveled!

Gay is traveling to Amsterdam this winter which is a city I have always wanted to visit because it is known for its work-life balance, beautiful outdoor places, and top notch cultural institutions. Not a day goes by on social media that I don’t see a post glorifying the Netherlands. I’m not sure how well I could handle the cold, but I know it is definitely a city I could consider living in and it should definitely be on your bucket list if it’s not already.

I am traveling to Alaska in the summer and can’t wait to see the natural wonders of both the Bering sea and Arctic Ocean in addition to picturesque scenery on land. I think the more people that see Alaska’s magnificent wilderness will result in more people willing to protect it. Speaking of quality of life and Alaska, June 21 is the longest day of the year, with 19 hours of daylight in Anchorage. What better place to teach your kids about the tilt of the earth’s axis than on a summer trip to Alaska!

Alaska: From magnificent mountain ranges to ocean shores to glaciers to raging rivers, Alaska is an outdoor enthusiasts dream.

Our very own Robin Burch just returned from Cambodia, a scenic country that is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. The Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve in Cambodia is spread across nine provinces of the country. In addition, the globally renowned Angkorian temples, built in the ninth century, have intrigued archaeologists and have fascinated tourists for centuries. However, with all of this scenic beauty and deep history come the unfortunately typical characteristics of a developing country: high poverty, poor medical care, lacking education, and other inadequacies of infrastructure. For westerners traveling to Cambodia, the “could I live here?” question is a wholly different thought experiment than simply picturing what it would be like to move into an apartment in Paris. It requires imagining a completely different way of life, endeavoring to understand a new culture, and bringing new appreciation to the things we take for granted back home.

My Son ( Located on the central coast of Vietnam near the Duy Phú village is the important archaeological site known as My Son. One of Southeast Asia’s most notable ancient sites, My Son was once a significant center of religious Hindu ceremonies where the kings of the Champa Kingdom built numerous temples devoted to the worship of the god, Shiva, between the 4th and 14th centuries.)

So remember, whenever you travel to a new place, ask yourself, “Could I live here?” It will open your eyes larger than any new pair of glasses would! Call us today and we will help you select your next travel destination!

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